Monday, October 13, 2014

Amberg, Germany

We left Austria for Germany with Amberg as our destination.  Larry and Glenda Ray were there the week prior to our arrival and recommended it to us as a place we need to see.  So we went there.

Amberg is another German city that saw its origins with the Romans.  Amberg is ancient, beautiful, and one of Bavaria's hidden gems.  It is located in the Upper Palatinate, between Regensberg and Bayreuth. It was an important trading center in the middle ages.  After WWII it was the site of a U.S. Army post, Pond Barracks, until 1992 when it was turned back to the local government.

There are many buildings dating back to the 13th century.  The Stadtbrille, a bridge with 3 arches was constructed in the 1600's.  It replaced a 1400's structure.  It was also part of the wall that surrounded the city.  It was one of the best defended cities in Germany.  Certainly worth a day trip.
Linda, in front of Stadtbrille


Main entrance gate

This stream runs through the town

Bridge over stream

City Hall

Portion of old wall

American tourist

History plaque of Stadtbrille

The photograph does not do justice to the leaf color


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